
Bekijk hieronder alle evenementen.

feb 13

Proefles Jeugdtraining

 Donderdag 13 februari 2025 
Eerste proefles jeugdtraining
 15:30 - 18:30


Kinderen die boulderen leuk vinden en graag beter willen worden, zijn welkom bij onze jeugdgroepen. Meedoen met de jeugdtraining kan van 6 jaar t/m 17 jaar.

Er wordt op de volgende momenten in de week training aangeboden:


 6-9 jaar; 15:45 – 16:45 

 12-17 jaar; 17:00 - 18:30


9-11 jaar; 15:30 - 16:45

12-17 jaar; 17:00 - 18:30


 6-9 jaar; 9:00 – 10:00

 9-11 jaar; 10:15 - 11:30

 12-17 jaar; 12:30 - 14:00

Via deze pagina schrijf je je in voor de eerste proefles. Daarna kun je in dezelfde maand nog een extra proefles volgen, meld je hiervoor bij de bar. 

Lijkt het je wat, dan kan je lid worden van de trainingsgroep, waarbij je naast de trainingen ook onbeperkt kan klimmen.

Voor vragen over trainingenen proeflessen kun je mailen naar



feb 13

Elevate Series

 Donderdag 13 februari 2025 
Deze wedstrijd is onderdeel van Elevate! Verzamel punten voor de Elevate competitie!
 19:00 - 22:30
 Max 200 deelnemers

Doe mee aan de eerste avondwedstrijd in Apex die onderdeel is van de jaar-rond Elevate competitie! We hebben voor deze avonden een dagwinnaar, maar de punten die je haalt tijdens de avondwedstrijden, tellen ook mee voor de Elevate eindstrijd in november '25! 

Elevate kick-off: 30 november 2024 - 40 boulders + finale en afterparty

Elevate Evening part 1: donderdagavond 13 februari 2025 - 30 boulders

Elevate Eveing part 2: donderdagavond 3 april 2025 - 30 boulders

Elevate day-comp: zaterdag 24 mei 2025 - 40 boulders + BBQ

Elevate Grande Finale: 29 november 2025! Onze grootste wedstrijd ooit!! 40 boulders + finale met de beste klimmers van Noord-Nederland! En uiteraard een afterparty! 

Kosten: de avondwedstrijden zijn voor abonnementhouders gratis om aan deel te nemen. Geen abo? Dan betaal je normale entree/ strippenkaart. Voor de grotere Elevate wedstrijden (24 mei en 29 november) geldt wel een ticketverkoop! 

Nog geen gaaf Elevate shirt? Tijdens de wedstrijden kun je alsnog een shirt kopen! 


Join the first evening competition in Apex, part of the year-round Elevate series!

Each evening competition has its own winner, but the points you earn also count towards the grand Elevate finals in November 2025!

Elevate Event Schedule:

Elevate Kick-Off: November 30, 2024 - 40 boulders + finals and afterparty 

Elevate Evening Part 1: Thursday evening, February 13, 2025 - 30 boulders

Elevate Evening Part 2: Thursday evening, April 3, 2025 - 30 boulders

Elevate Day Competition: Saturday, May 24, 2025 - 40 boulders + BBQ

Elevate Grand Finale: November 29, 2025 - Our biggest competition ever! 40 boulders + finals featuring the best climbers in the North of the Netherlands, followed by an epic afterparty!

Evening competitions are free for members. Non-members pay standard entry or use a punch card.

Tickets are required for the larger Elevate competitions (May 24 and November 29).

Haven't got an awesome Elevate shirt yet? You can buy one during the competitions!


feb 16

Yoga by Erika

 Zondag 16 feb 2025 
Yoga classes by Erika | classes every Sunday | Book via her website!
 18:00 - 19:00

Hey, my name is Erika, and I live by the principles of kindness, faith, and love. Yoga isn’t just a practice for me—it’s an essential part of who I am. From the moment I began, it naturally wove into my life, influencing how I think, walk, and speak. It lives in my heart every day.

As I discovered my passion, I knew I had to share it. Now, I hope to help others find their own flow and connection, both on and off the mat. My classes are filled with compassion, growth, and inclusivity, creating a welcoming space for everyone. So let’s explore Pranayama, Vinyasa, Hatha, Power, and even stretching together.  

First class is €5, then €10 (flexible).

You can book via this website:

For more information, you can join my group chat via WhatsApp at +306986316033 or reach out to me on Instagram: e.tsegxx.

feb 20

Proefles Jeugdtraining

 Donderdag 20 februari 2025 
Eerste proefles jeugdtraining
 15:30 - 18:30


Kinderen die boulderen leuk vinden en graag beter willen worden, zijn welkom bij onze jeugdgroepen. Meedoen met de jeugdtraining kan van 6 jaar t/m 17 jaar.

Er wordt op de volgende momenten in de week training aangeboden:


 6-9 jaar; 15:45 – 16:45 

 12-17 jaar; 17:00 - 18:30


9-11 jaar; 15:30 - 16:45

12-17 jaar; 17:00 - 18:30


 6-9 jaar; 9:00 – 10:00

 9-11 jaar; 10:15 - 11:30

 12-17 jaar; 12:30 - 14:00

Via deze pagina schrijf je je in voor de eerste proefles. Daarna kun je in dezelfde maand nog een extra proefles volgen, meld je hiervoor bij de bar. 

Lijkt het je wat, dan kan je lid worden van de trainingsgroep, waarbij je naast de trainingen ook onbeperkt kan klimmen.

Voor vragen over trainingenen proeflessen kun je mailen naar



feb 23

Yoga by Erika

 Zondag 23 feb 2025 
Yoga classes by Erika | classes every Sunday | Book via her website!
 18:00 - 19:00

Hey, my name is Erika, and I live by the principles of kindness, faith, and love. Yoga isn’t just a practice for me—it’s an essential part of who I am. From the moment I began, it naturally wove into my life, influencing how I think, walk, and speak. It lives in my heart every day.

As I discovered my passion, I knew I had to share it. Now, I hope to help others find their own flow and connection, both on and off the mat. My classes are filled with compassion, growth, and inclusivity, creating a welcoming space for everyone. So let’s explore Pranayama, Vinyasa, Hatha, Power, and even stretching together.  

First class is €5, then €10 (flexible).

You can book via this website:

For more information, you can join my group chat via WhatsApp at +306986316033 or reach out to me on Instagram: e.tsegxx.

feb 27

Proefles Jeugdtraining

 Donderdag 27 februari 2025 
Eerste proefles jeugdtraining
 15:30 - 18:30


Kinderen die boulderen leuk vinden en graag beter willen worden, zijn welkom bij onze jeugdgroepen. Meedoen met de jeugdtraining kan van 6 jaar t/m 17 jaar.

Er wordt op de volgende momenten in de week training aangeboden:


 6-9 jaar; 15:45 – 16:45 

 12-17 jaar; 17:00 - 18:30


9-11 jaar; 15:30 - 16:45

12-17 jaar; 17:00 - 18:30


 6-9 jaar; 9:00 – 10:00

 9-11 jaar; 10:15 - 11:30

 12-17 jaar; 12:30 - 14:00

Via deze pagina schrijf je je in voor de eerste proefles. Daarna kun je in dezelfde maand nog een extra proefles volgen, meld je hiervoor bij de bar. 

Lijkt het je wat, dan kan je lid worden van de trainingsgroep, waarbij je naast de trainingen ook onbeperkt kan klimmen.

Voor vragen over trainingenen proeflessen kun je mailen naar



feb 27

Apex Acoustic

 Donderdag 27 februari 2025 
Open Jam session
 21:00 - 00:30

Apex Acoustic is weer terug! 🤩 Na een korte  break organiseren we op  27 februari weer een Apex Acoustic! Een open jam avond waar iedereen z’n muzikale skills kan laten zien, of gewoon lekker luisteren onder het genot van een drankje 😊

We beginnen om 21:00 en eindigen 0:30 🕧

Geen kosten | Aanmelden niet nodig


Apex Acoustic is back! 🤩 After a short break, we are organizing another Apex Acoustic on February 27th! An open jam session where everyone can showcase their musical skills, or just enjoy listening while sipping a drink 😊

We start at 9:00 PM and end at 12:30 AM 🕧

No costs | no registration needed

mrt 02

Yoga by Erika

 Zondag 2 mrt 2025 
Yoga classes by Erika | classes every Sunday | Book via her website!
 18:00 - 19:00

Hey, my name is Erika, and I live by the principles of kindness, faith, and love. Yoga isn’t just a practice for me—it’s an essential part of who I am. From the moment I began, it naturally wove into my life, influencing how I think, walk, and speak. It lives in my heart every day.

As I discovered my passion, I knew I had to share it. Now, I hope to help others find their own flow and connection, both on and off the mat. My classes are filled with compassion, growth, and inclusivity, creating a welcoming space for everyone. So let’s explore Pranayama, Vinyasa, Hatha, Power, and even stretching together.  

First class is €5, then €10 (flexible).

You can book via this website:

For more information, you can join my group chat via WhatsApp at +306986316033 or reach out to me on Instagram: e.tsegxx.

mrt 05

Live Music Session: Ruben Mul

 Woensdag 5 maart 2025 
Live music performed by Ruben Mul
 20:00 - 22:00

Een gelaagde set met bekende en nieuwe nummers om je mee te nemen op reis 🎶❤️

Wij nodigen je van harte uit! Het begint om 20:00 en helemaal gratis ☺️

Voor een voorproefje, check youtube: Ruben Mul
Hier staat Rubens nieuwste live set, opgenomen in Apex


A layered set with familiar and new tracks to take you on a journey 🎶❤️

We warmly invite you! It starts at 8:00 PM and it’s completely free ☺️

For a preview, check YouTube: Ruben Mul
Here you can find Ruben's latest live set, recorded at Apex.


mrt 06

Proefles Jeugdtraining

 Donderdag 6 maart 2025 
Eerste proefles jeugdtraining
 15:30 - 17:30


Kinderen die boulderen leuk vinden en graag beter willen worden, zijn welkom bij onze jeugdgroepen. Meedoen met de jeugdtraining kan van 6 jaar t/m 17 jaar.

Er wordt op de volgende momenten in de week training aangeboden:


 6-9 jaar; 15:45 – 16:45 

 12-17 jaar; 17:00 - 18:30


9-11 jaar; 15:30 - 16:45

12-17 jaar; 17:00 - 18:30


 6-9 jaar; 9:00 – 10:00

 9-11 jaar; 10:15 - 11:30

 12-17 jaar; 12:30 - 14:00

Via deze pagina schrijf je je in voor de eerste proefles. Daarna kun je in dezelfde maand nog een extra proefles volgen, meld je hiervoor bij de bar. 

Lijkt het je wat, dan kan je lid worden van de trainingsgroep, waarbij je naast de trainingen ook onbeperkt kan klimmen.

Voor vragen over trainingenen proeflessen kun je mailen naar



mrt 09

Yoga by Erika

 Zondag 9 mrt 2025 
Yoga classes by Erika | classes every Sunday | Book via her website!
 18:00 - 19:00

Hey, my name is Erika, and I live by the principles of kindness, faith, and love. Yoga isn’t just a practice for me—it’s an essential part of who I am. From the moment I began, it naturally wove into my life, influencing how I think, walk, and speak. It lives in my heart every day.

As I discovered my passion, I knew I had to share it. Now, I hope to help others find their own flow and connection, both on and off the mat. My classes are filled with compassion, growth, and inclusivity, creating a welcoming space for everyone. So let’s explore Pranayama, Vinyasa, Hatha, Power, and even stretching together.  

First class is €5, then €10 (flexible).

You can book via this website:

For more information, you can join my group chat via WhatsApp at +306986316033 or reach out to me on Instagram: e.tsegxx.

mrt 14

Reel Rock 19

 Vrijdag 14 maart 2025 
Join Reel Rock 19 at Apex Cinema on a BIG screen!
 20:00 - 22:30
 Max 200 deelnemers

Reel Rock 19 showcases three world-premiere climbing films spanning disciplines, characters, and continents: a heartfelt story of second chances in love and climbing on Squamish’s legendary Cobra Crack; an outrageous 18-day big wall epic on Patagonia’s towering Torre Central; and the pursuit of a lifelong dream—a 5.15 first ascent—made possible by an unlikely partnership. Reel Rock 19 is on tour worldwide starting March 2025.

A former child climbing-prodigy confronts his struggle with disordered eating to attempt his life-long dream of climbing a groundbreaking 5.15 first ascent, with the help of an unlikely, and controversial partner.

Featuring: Kai Lightner & Joe Kinder

Three Belgian big-wallers endure eighteen days of howling snowstorms, frozen feet, and gnarly runouts in their attempt to make a long-coveted alpine first ascent. 

Featuring: Siebe Vanhee, Sean Villanueva O’Driscoll & Nico Favresse

A turbulent 20-year saga of love, loss, and redemption: a whirlwind romance, a crushing defeat on a legendary climb, a religious epiphany, and family betrayal, all building to a desperate bid for a rare second chance—at love, fatherhood, and climbing.

Featuring: Didier Berthod, Thomasina Pidgeon & Cedar Pidgeon




mrt 16

Yoga by Erika

 Zondag 16 mrt 2025 
Yoga classes by Erika | classes every Sunday | Book via her website!
 18:00 - 19:00

Hey, my name is Erika, and I live by the principles of kindness, faith, and love. Yoga isn’t just a practice for me—it’s an essential part of who I am. From the moment I began, it naturally wove into my life, influencing how I think, walk, and speak. It lives in my heart every day.

As I discovered my passion, I knew I had to share it. Now, I hope to help others find their own flow and connection, both on and off the mat. My classes are filled with compassion, growth, and inclusivity, creating a welcoming space for everyone. So let’s explore Pranayama, Vinyasa, Hatha, Power, and even stretching together.  

First class is €5, then €10 (flexible).

You can book via this website:

For more information, you can join my group chat via WhatsApp at +306986316033 or reach out to me on Instagram: e.tsegxx.

mrt 23

Yoga by Erika

 Zondag 23 mrt 2025 
Yoga classes by Erika | classes every Sunday | Book via her website!
 18:00 - 19:00

Hey, my name is Erika, and I live by the principles of kindness, faith, and love. Yoga isn’t just a practice for me—it’s an essential part of who I am. From the moment I began, it naturally wove into my life, influencing how I think, walk, and speak. It lives in my heart every day.

As I discovered my passion, I knew I had to share it. Now, I hope to help others find their own flow and connection, both on and off the mat. My classes are filled with compassion, growth, and inclusivity, creating a welcoming space for everyone. So let’s explore Pranayama, Vinyasa, Hatha, Power, and even stretching together.  

First class is €5, then €10 (flexible).

You can book via this website:

For more information, you can join my group chat via WhatsApp at +306986316033 or reach out to me on Instagram: e.tsegxx.

mrt 30

Yoga by Erika

 Zondag 30 mrt 2025 
Yoga classes by Erika | classes every Sunday | Book via her website!
 18:00 - 19:00

Hey, my name is Erika, and I live by the principles of kindness, faith, and love. Yoga isn’t just a practice for me—it’s an essential part of who I am. From the moment I began, it naturally wove into my life, influencing how I think, walk, and speak. It lives in my heart every day.

As I discovered my passion, I knew I had to share it. Now, I hope to help others find their own flow and connection, both on and off the mat. My classes are filled with compassion, growth, and inclusivity, creating a welcoming space for everyone. So let’s explore Pranayama, Vinyasa, Hatha, Power, and even stretching together.  

First class is €5, then €10 (flexible).

You can book via this website:

For more information, you can join my group chat via WhatsApp at +306986316033 or reach out to me on Instagram: e.tsegxx.

apr 03

Elevate Series

 Donderdag 3 april 2025 
Deze wedstrijd is onderdeel van Elevate! Verzamel punten voor de Elevate competitie!
 19:00 - 22:30
 Max 200 deelnemers

Doe mee aan de eerste avondwedstrijd in Apex die onderdeel is van de jaar-rond Elevate competitie! We hebben voor deze avonden een dagwinnaar, maar de punten die je haalt tijdens de avondwedstrijden, tellen ook mee voor de Elevate eindstrijd in november '25! 

Elevate kick-off: 30 november 2024 - 40 boulders + finale en afterparty

Elevate Evening part 1: donderdagavond 13 februari 2025 - 30 boulders

Elevate Eveing part 2: donderdagavond 3 april 2025 - 30 boulders

Elevate day-comp: zaterdag 24 mei 2025 - 40 boulders + BBQ

Elevate Grande Finale: 29 november 2025! Onze grootste wedstrijd ooit!! 40 boulders + finale met de beste klimmers van Noord-Nederland! En uiteraard een afterparty! 

Kosten: de avondwedstrijden zijn voor abonnementhouders gratis om aan deel te nemen. Geen abo? Dan betaal je normale entree/ strippenkaart. Voor de grotere Elevate wedstrijden (24 mei en 29 november) geldt wel een ticketverkoop! 

Nog geen gaaf Elevate shirt? Tijdens de wedstrijden kun je alsnog een shirt kopen! 


Join the first evening competition in Apex, part of the year-round Elevate series!

Each evening competition has its own winner, but the points you earn also count towards the grand Elevate finals in November 2025!

Elevate Event Schedule:

Elevate Kick-Off: November 30, 2024 - 40 boulders + finals and afterparty 

Elevate Evening Part 1: Thursday evening, February 13, 2025 - 30 boulders

Elevate Evening Part 2: Thursday evening, April 3, 2025 - 30 boulders

Elevate Day Competition: Saturday, May 24, 2025 - 40 boulders + BBQ

Elevate Grand Finale: November 29, 2025 - Our biggest competition ever! 40 boulders + finals featuring the best climbers in the North of the Netherlands, followed by an epic afterparty!

Evening competitions are free for members. Non-members pay standard entry or use a punch card.

Tickets are required for the larger Elevate competitions (May 24 and November 29).

Haven't got an awesome Elevate shirt yet? You can buy one during the competitions!


Geen tickets beschikbaar!
apr 06

Yoga by Erika

 Zondag 6 apr 2025 
Yoga classes by Erika | classes every Sunday | Book via her website!
 18:00 - 19:00

Hey, my name is Erika, and I live by the principles of kindness, faith, and love. Yoga isn’t just a practice for me—it’s an essential part of who I am. From the moment I began, it naturally wove into my life, influencing how I think, walk, and speak. It lives in my heart every day.

As I discovered my passion, I knew I had to share it. Now, I hope to help others find their own flow and connection, both on and off the mat. My classes are filled with compassion, growth, and inclusivity, creating a welcoming space for everyone. So let’s explore Pranayama, Vinyasa, Hatha, Power, and even stretching together.  

First class is €5, then €10 (flexible).

You can book via this website:

For more information, you can join my group chat via WhatsApp at +306986316033 or reach out to me on Instagram: e.tsegxx.

apr 13

Yoga by Erika

 Zondag 13 apr 2025 
Yoga classes by Erika | classes every Sunday | Book via her website!
 18:00 - 19:00

Hey, my name is Erika, and I live by the principles of kindness, faith, and love. Yoga isn’t just a practice for me—it’s an essential part of who I am. From the moment I began, it naturally wove into my life, influencing how I think, walk, and speak. It lives in my heart every day.

As I discovered my passion, I knew I had to share it. Now, I hope to help others find their own flow and connection, both on and off the mat. My classes are filled with compassion, growth, and inclusivity, creating a welcoming space for everyone. So let’s explore Pranayama, Vinyasa, Hatha, Power, and even stretching together.  

First class is €5, then €10 (flexible).

You can book via this website:

For more information, you can join my group chat via WhatsApp at +306986316033 or reach out to me on Instagram: e.tsegxx.

apr 20

Yoga by Erika

 Zondag 20 apr 2025 
Yoga classes by Erika | classes every Sunday | Book via her website!
 18:00 - 19:00

Hey, my name is Erika, and I live by the principles of kindness, faith, and love. Yoga isn’t just a practice for me—it’s an essential part of who I am. From the moment I began, it naturally wove into my life, influencing how I think, walk, and speak. It lives in my heart every day.

As I discovered my passion, I knew I had to share it. Now, I hope to help others find their own flow and connection, both on and off the mat. My classes are filled with compassion, growth, and inclusivity, creating a welcoming space for everyone. So let’s explore Pranayama, Vinyasa, Hatha, Power, and even stretching together.  

First class is €5, then €10 (flexible).

You can book via this website:

For more information, you can join my group chat via WhatsApp at +306986316033 or reach out to me on Instagram: e.tsegxx.

apr 27

Yoga by Erika

 Zondag 27 apr 2025 
Yoga classes by Erika | classes every Sunday | Book via her website!
 18:00 - 19:00

Hey, my name is Erika, and I live by the principles of kindness, faith, and love. Yoga isn’t just a practice for me—it’s an essential part of who I am. From the moment I began, it naturally wove into my life, influencing how I think, walk, and speak. It lives in my heart every day.

As I discovered my passion, I knew I had to share it. Now, I hope to help others find their own flow and connection, both on and off the mat. My classes are filled with compassion, growth, and inclusivity, creating a welcoming space for everyone. So let’s explore Pranayama, Vinyasa, Hatha, Power, and even stretching together.  

First class is €5, then €10 (flexible).

You can book via this website:

For more information, you can join my group chat via WhatsApp at +306986316033 or reach out to me on Instagram: e.tsegxx.

mei 04

Yoga by Erika

 Zondag 4 mei 2025 
Yoga classes by Erika | classes every Sunday | Book via her website!
 18:00 - 19:00

Hey, my name is Erika, and I live by the principles of kindness, faith, and love. Yoga isn’t just a practice for me—it’s an essential part of who I am. From the moment I began, it naturally wove into my life, influencing how I think, walk, and speak. It lives in my heart every day.

As I discovered my passion, I knew I had to share it. Now, I hope to help others find their own flow and connection, both on and off the mat. My classes are filled with compassion, growth, and inclusivity, creating a welcoming space for everyone. So let’s explore Pranayama, Vinyasa, Hatha, Power, and even stretching together.  

First class is €5, then €10 (flexible).

You can book via this website:

For more information, you can join my group chat via WhatsApp at +306986316033 or reach out to me on Instagram: e.tsegxx.

mei 11

Yoga by Erika

 Zondag 11 mei 2025 
Yoga classes by Erika | classes every Sunday | Book via her website!
 18:00 - 19:00

Hey, my name is Erika, and I live by the principles of kindness, faith, and love. Yoga isn’t just a practice for me—it’s an essential part of who I am. From the moment I began, it naturally wove into my life, influencing how I think, walk, and speak. It lives in my heart every day.

As I discovered my passion, I knew I had to share it. Now, I hope to help others find their own flow and connection, both on and off the mat. My classes are filled with compassion, growth, and inclusivity, creating a welcoming space for everyone. So let’s explore Pranayama, Vinyasa, Hatha, Power, and even stretching together.  

First class is €5, then €10 (flexible).

You can book via this website:

For more information, you can join my group chat via WhatsApp at +306986316033 or reach out to me on Instagram: e.tsegxx.

mei 18

Yoga by Erika

 Zondag 18 mei 2025 
Yoga classes by Erika | classes every Sunday | Book via her website!
 18:00 - 19:00

Hey, my name is Erika, and I live by the principles of kindness, faith, and love. Yoga isn’t just a practice for me—it’s an essential part of who I am. From the moment I began, it naturally wove into my life, influencing how I think, walk, and speak. It lives in my heart every day.

As I discovered my passion, I knew I had to share it. Now, I hope to help others find their own flow and connection, both on and off the mat. My classes are filled with compassion, growth, and inclusivity, creating a welcoming space for everyone. So let’s explore Pranayama, Vinyasa, Hatha, Power, and even stretching together.  

First class is €5, then €10 (flexible).

You can book via this website:

For more information, you can join my group chat via WhatsApp at +306986316033 or reach out to me on Instagram: e.tsegxx.

mei 24

Elevate Series

 Zaterdag 24 mei 2025 
Deze wedstrijd is onderdeel van Elevate! Verzamel punten voor de Elevate competitie!
 13:00 - 18:00
 Max 200 deelnemers

Doe mee aan de eerste avondwedstrijd in Apex die onderdeel is van de jaar-rond Elevate competitie! We hebben voor deze avonden een dagwinnaar, maar de punten die je haalt tijdens de avondwedstrijden, tellen ook mee voor de Elevate eindstrijd in november '25! 

Elevate kick-off: 30 november 2024 - 40 boulders + finale en afterparty

Elevate Evening part 1: donderdagavond 13 februari 2025 - 30 boulders

Elevate Eveing part 2: donderdagavond 3 april 2025 - 30 boulders

Elevate day-comp: zaterdag 24 mei 2025 - 40 boulders + BBQ

Elevate Grande Finale: 29 november 2025! Onze grootste wedstrijd ooit!! 40 boulders + finale met de beste klimmers van Noord-Nederland! En uiteraard een afterparty! 

Kosten: de avondwedstrijden zijn voor abonnementhouders gratis om aan deel te nemen. Geen abo? Dan betaal je normale entree/ strippenkaart. Voor de grotere Elevate wedstrijden (24 mei en 29 november) geldt wel een ticketverkoop! 

Nog geen gaaf Elevate shirt? Tijdens de wedstrijden kun je alsnog een shirt kopen! 


Join the first evening competition in Apex, part of the year-round Elevate series!

Each evening competition has its own winner, but the points you earn also count towards the grand Elevate finals in November 2025!

Elevate Event Schedule:

Elevate Kick-Off: November 30, 2024 - 40 boulders + finals and afterparty 

Elevate Evening Part 1: Thursday evening, February 13, 2025 - 30 boulders

Elevate Evening Part 2: Thursday evening, April 3, 2025 - 30 boulders

Elevate Day Competition: Saturday, May 24, 2025 - 40 boulders + BBQ

Elevate Grand Finale: November 29, 2025 - Our biggest competition ever! 40 boulders + finals featuring the best climbers in the North of the Netherlands, followed by an epic afterparty!

Evening competitions are free for members. Non-members pay standard entry or use a punch card.

Tickets are required for the larger Elevate competitions (May 24 and November 29).

Haven't got an awesome Elevate shirt yet? You can buy one during the competitions!


Geen tickets beschikbaar!
mei 25

Yoga by Erika

 Zondag 25 mei 2025 
Yoga classes by Erika | classes every Sunday | Book via her website!
 18:00 - 19:00

Hey, my name is Erika, and I live by the principles of kindness, faith, and love. Yoga isn’t just a practice for me—it’s an essential part of who I am. From the moment I began, it naturally wove into my life, influencing how I think, walk, and speak. It lives in my heart every day.

As I discovered my passion, I knew I had to share it. Now, I hope to help others find their own flow and connection, both on and off the mat. My classes are filled with compassion, growth, and inclusivity, creating a welcoming space for everyone. So let’s explore Pranayama, Vinyasa, Hatha, Power, and even stretching together.  

First class is €5, then €10 (flexible).

You can book via this website:

For more information, you can join my group chat via WhatsApp at +306986316033 or reach out to me on Instagram: e.tsegxx.

jun 01

Yoga by Erika

 Zondag 1 jun 2025 
Yoga classes by Erika | classes every Sunday | Book via her website!
 18:00 - 19:00

Hey, my name is Erika, and I live by the principles of kindness, faith, and love. Yoga isn’t just a practice for me—it’s an essential part of who I am. From the moment I began, it naturally wove into my life, influencing how I think, walk, and speak. It lives in my heart every day.

As I discovered my passion, I knew I had to share it. Now, I hope to help others find their own flow and connection, both on and off the mat. My classes are filled with compassion, growth, and inclusivity, creating a welcoming space for everyone. So let’s explore Pranayama, Vinyasa, Hatha, Power, and even stretching together.  

First class is €5, then €10 (flexible).

You can book via this website:

For more information, you can join my group chat via WhatsApp at +306986316033 or reach out to me on Instagram: e.tsegxx.

jun 08

Yoga by Erika

 Zondag 8 jun 2025 
Yoga classes by Erika | classes every Sunday | Book via her website!
 18:00 - 19:00

Hey, my name is Erika, and I live by the principles of kindness, faith, and love. Yoga isn’t just a practice for me—it’s an essential part of who I am. From the moment I began, it naturally wove into my life, influencing how I think, walk, and speak. It lives in my heart every day.

As I discovered my passion, I knew I had to share it. Now, I hope to help others find their own flow and connection, both on and off the mat. My classes are filled with compassion, growth, and inclusivity, creating a welcoming space for everyone. So let’s explore Pranayama, Vinyasa, Hatha, Power, and even stretching together.  

First class is €5, then €10 (flexible).

You can book via this website:

For more information, you can join my group chat via WhatsApp at +306986316033 or reach out to me on Instagram: e.tsegxx.

jun 15

Yoga by Erika

 Zondag 15 jun 2025 
Yoga classes by Erika | classes every Sunday | Book via her website!
 18:00 - 19:00

Hey, my name is Erika, and I live by the principles of kindness, faith, and love. Yoga isn’t just a practice for me—it’s an essential part of who I am. From the moment I began, it naturally wove into my life, influencing how I think, walk, and speak. It lives in my heart every day.

As I discovered my passion, I knew I had to share it. Now, I hope to help others find their own flow and connection, both on and off the mat. My classes are filled with compassion, growth, and inclusivity, creating a welcoming space for everyone. So let’s explore Pranayama, Vinyasa, Hatha, Power, and even stretching together.  

First class is €5, then €10 (flexible).

You can book via this website:

For more information, you can join my group chat via WhatsApp at +306986316033 or reach out to me on Instagram: e.tsegxx.

jun 22

Yoga by Erika

 Zondag 22 jun 2025 
Yoga classes by Erika | classes every Sunday | Book via her website!
 18:00 - 19:00

Hey, my name is Erika, and I live by the principles of kindness, faith, and love. Yoga isn’t just a practice for me—it’s an essential part of who I am. From the moment I began, it naturally wove into my life, influencing how I think, walk, and speak. It lives in my heart every day.

As I discovered my passion, I knew I had to share it. Now, I hope to help others find their own flow and connection, both on and off the mat. My classes are filled with compassion, growth, and inclusivity, creating a welcoming space for everyone. So let’s explore Pranayama, Vinyasa, Hatha, Power, and even stretching together.  

First class is €5, then €10 (flexible).

You can book via this website:

For more information, you can join my group chat via WhatsApp at +306986316033 or reach out to me on Instagram: e.tsegxx.

jun 29

Yoga by Erika

 Zondag 29 jun 2025 
Yoga classes by Erika | classes every Sunday | Book via her website!
 18:00 - 19:00

Hey, my name is Erika, and I live by the principles of kindness, faith, and love. Yoga isn’t just a practice for me—it’s an essential part of who I am. From the moment I began, it naturally wove into my life, influencing how I think, walk, and speak. It lives in my heart every day.

As I discovered my passion, I knew I had to share it. Now, I hope to help others find their own flow and connection, both on and off the mat. My classes are filled with compassion, growth, and inclusivity, creating a welcoming space for everyone. So let’s explore Pranayama, Vinyasa, Hatha, Power, and even stretching together.  

First class is €5, then €10 (flexible).

You can book via this website:

For more information, you can join my group chat via WhatsApp at +306986316033 or reach out to me on Instagram: e.tsegxx.